Heather Wessling to lead Wisconsin Economic Development Association Board
Madison, February 2, 2018 – The Wisconsin Economic Development Association (WEDA) has unanimously elected Heather Wessling, Vice President of Economic Development for the Kenosha Area Business Alliance, to serve a second three-year term on its board of directors and to take over as 2018 board president. The election took place at WEDA’s annual meeting held during the 2018 Governor’s Conference on Economic Development on February 1.
Wessling states, “I look forward to the opportunity and the challenge of leading WEDA in 2018. I see value in our statewide conferences and outreach efforts to all areas of the state. The maturing of WEDA’s Academy to continue to build membership and support is important not just for economic development practitioner training but is a mechanism to help Wisconsin understand and support economic development efforts.”
WEDA is the statewide professional association for economic development with more than 450 members working in the public, non-profit and private sectors. WEDA provides education, such as the WEDA Academy, as well as networking and advocacy for its members in order to advance community and economic development goals.
“WEDA is excited to welcome Heather and the new members to the board,” says WEDA Executive Director Brian Doudna. “These individuals bring extensive experience, expertise and leadership that will move the organization forward and promote economic development throughout Wisconsin.”