Message from WEDA Board Chair Sheldon Johnson
In my inaugural Board Chair’s Message, I would like to begin by thanking the WEDA membership for trusting me to lead your organization over the next year. I am excited to serve as Board Chair and to represent you and our partners in economic development. Wisconsin’s success relies on a team of professionals dedicated to pursuing economic development opportunities and spurring growth at the community, county, and regional levels. WEDA members are an essential part of that team, and I am honored to be leading you as you Board Chair in 2023.
I would also like to specifically thank the WEDA Board for all their hard work to advance the organization. In addition, I want to give well-deserved recognition to the following members who recently rotated off the Board:
- Jasson Monnett, WBD
- Fern Orie, Wisconsin Native Loan Fund
- Amy Peterson, City of River Falls
- Elizabeth Runge, City of Two Rivers
- Manny Vasquez, Pfefferle Companies
Thank you for your service to WEDA!
Lastly, I would like to congratulate the following members who were elected or reelected to the WEDA Board:
- Liz Brodek, City of Wausau
- Rebecca Deschane, New North
- Jenny Kuderer-Radcliffe (second term), Dairyland Power Cooperative
- Charlie Walker, Chippewa County Economic Development Corporation
- Suzanne Zwaska (second term), US Bank
For those of you who I have not yet had a chance to meet, I am a long-time WEDA Board member who previously served as the association’s treasurer and vice-board chair. As far as my day job, I have been with the Northwest Regional Planning Commission for over 28 years, including the last seven as executive director after serving as deputy director and senior planner.
I’ll finish my first Board Chair’s Message on somewhat of a personal note. I recently had the honor to attend a Communities in Action: Building a Better Wisconsin event at the White House with nearly 50 local elected officials and community leaders from Wisconsin. There is no doubt communities and organizations across the state – including WEDA – are continuing to make impactful results in the lives of Wisconsinites and are forging relationships that improve the economic well-being of all.
I look forward to seeing you all at upcoming WEDA events!