CRA Network of Wisconsin

Building a strong professional network for community betterment, engaging banks with economic and community development projects.

Welcome to the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Network of Wisconsin!

Welcome to the CRA Network of Wisconsin! A professional development initiative focused on building a stronger professional network for community engagement and economic development. The Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) is a landmark law enacted nearly 50 years ago to encourage banks to help meet the credit needs of their entire communities, especially for low– and moderate–income (LMI) people or communities. CRA supports projects through grants, investments, loans, and volunteer activities and encourages banks to use safe and sound business judgment. Since 1977, CRA has urged banks to commit substantially to state and local governments and community development organizations, shaping how financial institutions perform in low- and moderate-income communities.

WEDA sponsors meetings for the CRA Network members to engage our members in new ways to fund affordable housing, business development, agriculture, and the community facilities that provide supportive services to your local community.

Upcoming CRA Network of Wisconsin Events

The CRA Network will host quarterly meetings focused on the eleven new CRA opportunity areas. These meetings will allow bankers to learn key lessons and detail the CRA’s needs and challenges. Meeting will focus on cross-sector solutions and discuss CRA modernization. Together WEDA and Wisconsin’s bankers can approach community and economic development in a more modern, practical way working together.

Membership Benefits

WEDA’s CRA Network membership includes 1 or more employee/portal accounts. As a WEDA CRA Network Member, you enjoy full WEDA membership with benefits like:

Professional Development

  • Wisconsin Basic Economic Development Course: a foundational, 4-day course that offers participants a comprehensive understanding of the basic concepts, strategies, and practice of economic and workforce development with member discounted registration rate.
  • Statewide professional conferences registration discounts: WEDA holds 2 annual conferences–the annual Governor’s Conference on Economic Development and the regional Best Practices Conference. Your membership provides member discounted registration rate.
  • WEDA Academy: offerings aim to advance economic development through education and training on leading economic and community development issues of the day. As an exclusive membership benefit, you may register for the Academy seminars and webinars at no cost!

Networking Opportunities

  • WEDA provides members with numerous opportunities to network with peers and industry experts. These networking opportunities allow members to build their key contacts and learn best practices from top professionals in economic development.
  • CEDA–WEDA Community and Economic Development Awards program was established to celebrate individuals, organizations, and development projects and initiatives that are making significant contributions to Wisconsin’s economy.

Advocacy and Policy

  • WEDA provides comprehensive bipartisan government relations services, representing the legislative an regulatory interests of members before the Wisconsin Legislature and throughout state government.
  • WEDA’s direct lobbying efforts aim to successfully promote policies and programs that provide members with the necessary tools to advance economic prosperity.
  • WEDA’s annual Legislative Day Event offers members a unique opportunity to influence critical economic development policy through relationship-building with state lawmakers.
  • WEDA keeps members informed on the latest political and policy developments in the State Capitol, delivers updates on key economic development legislation, and provides access to our Legislative Bill Tracking tool.

Resources and Information

  • WEDA WIRE publication
    A quarterly economic development newsletter

  • Political News & Notes
    Keeps you up to date on everything going on in the state capitol
  • WEDA Annual Report
    A review of each year’s happenings

  • WEDA Legislative Agenda
    Current session’s legislative and regulatory issues
  • Job Board
    A job board focused on connecting economic development professionals with career opportunities that drive community growth, innovation, and sustainability.

  • Economic Development Women of Wisconsin (ED WoW)
    A group for female professionals and newcomers to the economic development industry.
    Young Professional Engagement Network for those up to approximately 45 years of age.

Membership Levels

Small Asset Size Bank

WEDA’s CRA Network-Small Asset Size Bank membership includes full WEDA membership benefits listed above, 1 employee/portal account, and gives you Statewide reach!

Small Intermediate
Asset Size Bank

WEDA’s CRA Network-Small Intermediate Asset Size Bank membership includes full WEDA membership benefits listed above, 2 employee/portal accounts and gives you Statewide reach! Additional employee/portal accounts can be added for $150/each (maximum of 6 total accounts).

Large Asset Size Bank

WEDA’s CRA Network-Large Asset Size Bank membership includes full WEDA membership benefits listed above, 2 employee/portal accounts and gives you Statewide reach! Additional unlimited employee/portal accounts can be added for $150 each.

Sponsored By

Member Banks

Kathryn Berger

Interim President and Chief Executive Officer

Contact me for more CRA Network Information

Dawn Follendorf

CRA Network Committee Chair 
Community Reinvestment Officer