Latest News Update

  • January 2, 2025

    By: Alena Feldt

    Wisconsin Policy Forum Report A new Wisconsin Policy Forum report partially funded by WEDI – Road Map: Assessing and Funding Wisconsin’s Transportation Needs – finds Wisconsin policymakers are nearing a crossroads on how to fund the state’s transportation system, as transportation revenues lag, project costs sharply increase, and a growing reliance on the state’s general fund may prove unsustainable. This report was undertaken to provide policymakers, business and civic [...]

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WEDA Advocacy Resources

2023-24 WEDA Legislative Agenda

The 2023-24 WEDA Legislative Agenda provides a broad policy vision for advancing economic prosperity in Wisconsin and the specific legislative goals to help meet that long-term vision. To review the WEDA 2023-24 Legislative Agenda, click here.

WEDA Bill Tracking

WEDA lobbies on and monitors hundreds of legislative proposals being considered by the Wisconsin Legislature. Click here to track the status of each bill as it works through the legislative process.

WEDA Legislative Day

WEDA’s Legislative Day brings economic development professionals from across the state together in Madison to build relationships with state lawmakers and educate them on key economic development policy issues that drive opportunities for growth and prosperity.