Wisconsin Economic Development Institute

Our Mission

The Wisconsin Economic Development Institute, Inc. (WEDI) is a non-profit, non-partisan foundation established under the Wisconsin Economic Development Association (WEDA) to conduct research and education designed to increase the effectiveness of economic development efforts.

Our Vision

A higher quality of life and increased access to wealth and opportunity for Wisconsin citizens through economic development.

Our Goals

  • Provide policymakers, organizations and the general public with critical information to help address and improve economic conditions.
  • Provide policy research material, industry publications, and educational services, training and programming to promote economic development.
  • Identify and offer ideas and resources to address gaps in economic growth and prosperity.
  • Offer stakeholders and the general public with a clearinghouse of economic development information.

Our Values

  • Supportive of increased economic growth and equal access to wealth.
  • Supportive of thoughtful and effective long-term economic growth policy making to promote economic prosperity.
  • Maintain independence and objectivity in the pursuit of economic expansion throughout Wisconsin.

Current Project


Road Map: Assessing and Funding Wisconsin’s Transportation Needs

This report was undertaken to provide policymakers, business and civic leaders, and state residents with greater understanding of the fiscal challenges facing the state’s transportation system and to inform deliberations about transportation finance over both the short and long term. The project was funded in part by the Wisconsin Economic Development Institute (WEDI) – WEDA’s non-profit foundation – along with the Transportation Development Association of Wisconsin, the Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce, and the Commercial Association of Realtors Wisconsin.

Previous Project

Economic Development Toolbox Handbook

The Handbook has been developed to provide a one-stop, user friendly resource for economic development professionals on programs and incentives offered by Wisconsin state agencies to drive economic growth and prosperity. The platform provides information on how loans, grants, and tax credits can support economic opportunities in your communities.