State of the Association: WEDA President and CEO Mary Perry

Happy New Year WEDA People! This is the second year in a row that I’ve said thank goodness last year is behind us—I would never have imagined that we’d start the new year with continued worries about health and safety, but I’m optimistic that these challenges will bring new opportunities for our state’s growth.  With your support WEDA will continue to bring you legislative advocacy, CRA Network, and economic development education programs through the WEDA Academy, our ED 101 For Local Leaders, IEDC’s Basic Economic Development Course and NDC’s finance and real estate courses to you.

2022 plans include celebrating community and economic development champions big and small—urban and rural—no corner of Wisconsin will go unnoticed. Our WEDA Academy and Opportunity Zone Showcase and Market Update events will kick off the 2022 Governor’s Conference on Economic Development.   Our CRA Network is being re-engineered we’ve gone statewide—so all funders will have a look at dealmaking regardless of region. Later this year we’ll bring you IEDC’s Basic Economic Development Course and our Best Practices Conference will travel to LaCrosse, one of our members’ favorite regions for a fall conference!

There’s always something on the horizon at WEDA so follow your membership emails for updates and save the date alerts.  Not a member? You’re missing out. Our members own WEDA. Members serve on the Academy planning committee, Best Practices and Governor’s Conference Committees, and the CEDA ceremony committee. Members influence and inform WEDA on its board of directors selection and on business and community issues that state lawmakers need to know.  Look into membership here or give me a call at 414-699-3917.