Contact Your State Lawmakers TODAY and Urge Them to Co-Sponsor Critical Talent
Attraction Legislation
One of the biggest challenges facing Wisconsin businesses today is the state’s severe workforce shortage and their inability to find enough workers to fill open jobs. The shortage has reached a crisis point for employers, impacting every key industry and threatening Wisconsin’s future economic growth.
There are numerous reasons behind Wisconsin’s severe workforce shortage, many of which are due to the state’s demographic trends, including an aging population and poor in-migration rates. The labor crunch cannot be fixed overnight and will require a mix of solutions. However, one measure the Legislature can take immediately is to provide additional funding for the state’s talent attraction marketing initiative to encourage out-of-state workers to move to Wisconsin for career opportunities and a better quality of life.
That’s why WEDA strongly supports LRB-5096/3, critical legislation that would provide much-needed funding to market Wisconsin as a great place to live and work for U.S. service members and their families who are entering civilian life.
The bill proposal, which is being authored by Rep. Nancy VanderMeer and Sen. Eric Wimberger, would utilize $10 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to develop and implement a statewide talent attraction initiative administered by WEDC that would focus on the recruitment of soon-to-be U.S. military veterans. As you know, veterans often possess the skills, training, and leadership qualities that can help address Wisconsin’s worker shortage and provide our businesses with a new talent-rich employee pool.
Please e-mail your state legislators TODAY – and no later than close of business on Tuesday, Dec. 21 – and urge them to co-sponsor LRB-5069/3. Please use WEDA’s sample e-mail when contacting your lawmakers. All you need to do is cut-and-paste it into an e-mail, but please consider personalizing your e-mail to include examples of how Wisconsin’s workforce shortage crisis is impacting your local business community and future economic growth.
If you don’t know who your state legislators are, or do not have their contact information, simply CLICK HERE and type your home address in the upper right corner text box. Remember to contact both your state senator and state representative.
If you have any questions on this WEDA Advocacy Action Alert request or would like additional information on the issue, please contact the WEDA Government Affairs Team at