Who We Are

The Wisconsin Economic Development Association (WEDA), founded in 1975, is a statewide non-profit organization dedicated to expanding Wisconsin’s economy. Driven by the needs of our 450-plus members, we represent the economic development interests of both the private and public sectors through leadership on statewide initiatives to advance economic development in Wisconsin.

Through advocacy, networking, and education, we provide members with the resources and tools to strengthen their skills in economic development, help achieve their professional goals, and promote economic growth in communities throughout the state.

Our members are professionals from every area of economic development:

  • Bankers
  • Chamber of Commerce Staff
  • City, County, Town and Tribal Officials
  • Community Planners
  • Construction Companies
  • Economic Development Consultants
  • Engineering Companies
  • Local and Regional Economic Developers
  • Residential, Commercial, and Retail Developers
  • State Agency Staff
  • University and Technical College Representatives
  • Utility Company Staff
  • Workforce Development Professionals

WEDA Board Policy: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

The Wisconsin Economic Development Association (WEDA) is committed to diversity equity, inclusion, and belonging.

WEDA shall encourage, foster, cultivate, and uphold a culture of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging where all members, board members, staff, and volunteers, feel respected and valued regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation or identity, disability, education, or any other bias.

All members of WEDA have a responsibility to always treat others with dignity and respect.

All members are expected to exhibit conduct that is positive and is inclusive at all WEDA functions.

All WEDA Members are invited to participate in WEDA activities and are encouraged to engage and share their authenticity to make WEDA a stronger and more dynamic organization that represents economic development in Wisconsin.

WEDA Definitions

Diversity includes all the ways in which people may differ or are unique.

Equity is access, opportunity, and advancement for all people which includes fair treatment for all.

* Definition of fair – a standard following the rules or standards, “play fair”; legitimate without an unjust advantage. “The group has achieved fair and equal representation for all its members.”

Inclusion is the act of creating an environment(s) in which all individuals are welcomed, invited, included, respected, supported, and valued.

Belonging is the act of feeling safe, welcomed, and accepted, and an individual and/or group are encouraged, invited, allowed, and given the respect and opportunity to be their authentic selves.

Our Vision

Make Wisconsin a better place to live and work through economic advancement.

Our Mission

Enhance economic development in Wisconsin through professional development, networking, and advocacy.

Diversity Statement

WEDA is committed to an inclusive approach where equal opportunities exist for all our members and partners. We strive to support a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community that creates a sense of belonging and a work environment that includes all backgrounds and perspectives.