Message from the WEDA Board Chair: Donna Walker

It has been a great summer! Like many of you, I have been renewed and reenergized – enjoying the beautiful weather, the vacations, concerts in the park, and spending that extra time with family. As the heat of the summer starts to wind down, and we “get back in the groove” and begin to plan for a busy year, it is a perfect time to join WEDA or renew your membership.

So you may ask, why join WEDA…? There are many reasons…

  • Many of our members rely on WEDA for our exceptional training and professional education programs – and that is a driving reason they continue to renew their WEDA membership.

  • Others renew to ensure they can continue to grow their professional profile and reputation among the Midwest development community. Utilizing WEDA’s networking luncheons, receptions, and other events are always a fun, convenient, and affordable way to renew or make connections with mentors, vendors, prospective customers, and key stakeholders you might not otherwise meet.

  • While WEDA cannot guarantee higher conversion rates for your business leads, we do provide many opportunities for our members to generate those leads. Opportunities such as our directory listings, program sponsorships, networking and volunteer opportunities all offer our members with face-to-face or virtual interactions with hundreds of people every year.

  • There are those that join and renew their membership in WEDA because they know the organization is an exceptional resource for industry information, best practices, and insight on the latest policy developments that move the field of economic development forward. In short, WEDA listens well and communicates often.

  • Our members support the organization because they know WEDA is the primary voice promoting and supporting the interests of economic development in Wisconsin.  Their membership gives them the ability to tap into our expertise when they need assistance in advocating or educating local, state, and federal elected officials, as well as other key community stakeholders.

  • WEDA puts our community and economic development organization partners first, helping them meet their goals. In short, WEDA is a sphere of influence and an essential strategic partner for our members.

Lastly we know that your membership value is not determined by us, but by you.  With that in mind, I wanted to say thank you so much for your membership renewal. If you happen to be reading this and you are not a member (yet), contact me (, and let’s talk further about WEDA membership and not missing another summer without the advantages we provide.